Join the team
We are currently seeking new members for 2024-2025. Most positions serve a two-year term. The PTO vacancies include a Co-President and a few people to chair individual events.
The Co-President position is a project manager: this person ensures the continued delivery of the many fundraising and community programs that have become traditions at Brown School. You would work closely with Sarah McNeeley who is the current co-president and has now been on the PTO for two years. You can read more about the president position here. If you are interested in this position or would like to learn more, please reach out for a conversation. If you are wondering if you are qualified - you probably are! No event planning experience is required, but you do need a willingness to learn and some time each week to devote to the position - anywhere from 1-8 hours per week.
We also need the following event chairs:
- AUCTION CHAIR - BIGGEST fundraiser for Brown!! Event held in March (every other year)
- Summer Resource Fair Chair - plans and sets up the PTO's Summer Resource Fair
Event chairs need not be part of the PTO board and are not required to attend monthly meetings but are always welcome.
Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about any of these positions. Please consider helping us so that we can continue to provide events and support for the Brown School community. Thank you!
For additional reference
The PTO is comprised of the following members:
Two Co-presidents
Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
Two members of communications team (2 people) Eblast, social media and website updates
Two VPs of Fundraising
Two VPs of Community Events and Volunteers
Subcommittees and Event chairs include:
Teacher Appreciation Chair
Cultural Arts chair and committee
Event Chairs: Wicked Fun Run and Fall Festival, Pancake Breakfast, Multicultural Night, Winter Bazaar, Parent Auction, Book Fair, Dance Party, Movie Nights