Cultural Arts Update - Dr. David Hiller
We have kicked off our Cultural Arts Programming for the 2024-2025 school year! Our first graders had a visit with Dr. Dave Hiller to learn “Why is the Sky Blue?”
Dr. Dave Hiller is a scientist with extensive lab training and teaching experience, and is also a Brown Elementary parent to a daughter in 3rd grade! He is passionate about communicating science to others, and bringing programs in math and science to elementary students. We look forward to his future visits for our other grades!
This program demonstrated that white light is made up of many colors, and that we can mix and separate those colors of light. The students first visualized light bending by seeing how a straw appears when it is immersed in water. They then poured milk into water to replicate the effect of the sky on sunlight, and also used flashlights to demonstrate how the sun appears yellow. They also made color wheels to see what happens when colors mix and explored different tools to split light into separate colors.